Mars has always been a source of inspiration for explorers and scientists. Robotic missions have found evidence of water, but if life exists beyond Earth still remains a mystery. Robotic and scientific robotic missions have shown that Mars has characteristics and a history similar to Earth's, but we know that there are striking differences that we have yet to begin to understand. Humans can build upon this knowledge and look for signs of life and investigate Mars' geological evolution, resulting in research and methods that could be applied here on Earth.A mission to our nearest planetary neighbor provides the best opportunity to demonstrate that humans can live for extended, even permanent, stays beyond low Earth orbit. The technology and space systems required to transport and sustain explorers will drive innovation and encourage creative ways to address challenges. As previous space endeavors have demonstrated, the resulting ingenuity and technologies will have long lasting benefits and applications.The challenge of traveling to Mars and learning how to live there will encourage nations around the world to work together to achieve such an ambitious undertaking. The International Space station has shown that opportunities for collaboration will highlight our common interests and provide a global sense of community.
Distant Worlds Beyond Extended Universe
Safe Havens is an expanded universe created by Minuteman 2492, focusing mainly on the actions of Insurrectionists throughout the Insurrection, Human-Covenant War, and a few years beyond, specifically between the years of 2492 and 2561. As this universe was created prior to the release of Halo 5, its events post 2557 do not follow the events of the game, however, there is a divergent subsection that does deal with them, known as Apocalypse.
Spanning only a few decades between the late Human-Covenant War and the period beyond, DELTA Initiative is an example of a "micro-EU" focused entirely around the creation of the SPARTAN-III Delta Company. Here, rogue elements within the Office of Naval Intelligence steal away the recovered candidates, using their ingenuity and cunningness to illegally complete their training; meanwhile, UNSC investigators are closing in on this elusive program. As the EU is entirely self-contained and fully canon-compliant, characters created in here can easily continue their stories within other universes.
Finish is an alternate timeline created by EdwardChap. In this universe, an ODST, Osric Black discovers an ancient evil that is about to wreak havoc on the galaxy. In the war that ensues, worlds are destroyed and species go extinct.
Peripheral Realms is an expanded universe project dedicated to the creation of stories that take place within the old Covenant fringe and beyond. Due to the distance from humanity as well as the unknowns that make up the fringe, the possibility to create new worlds and species immense.
As Rocket Raccoon turned the charred Infinity Gauntlet over, the team saw that the Infinity Stones were gone. When the Avengers demanded to know where they were, Thanos noted that the universe required correction and after he accomplished his goal on that, the Stones served no purpose beyond temptation. Banner grew enraged from Thanos' reasoning and yelled at Thanos for murdering trillions of lives, shoving him onto the ground.
Thanos was usually seen by everyone else as the ultimate personification of sadism, cruelty, megalomania, infinite destruction, death, power, and madness, with his search for the Infinity Stones seen by others as his plot to gain dominion over all the civilizations in the universe. In reality, Thanos was a more complex and tortured soul given that his traumatic past and obsession with completing what he perceived as his destiny had led him to commit horrible actions all in the name of saving the universe even at a great personal sacrifice to himself. He desired to use the Tesseract to look beyond the known worlds to find greater ones that it would unveil. He was also relentless, as seen by his gathering of children from across the galaxy to take as his own so he can raise them as assassins and aid him by tirelessly searching for the Infinity Stones. In addition to this, Thanos had extraordinary willpower, as evidenced by his absolute refusal to succumb to Mantis' sleep-inducing touch despite its ability to usually make her victims docile almost instantly through but a simple touch, with her thus remarking that the Titan was "very strong" in his mental fortitude.
The trite answer is that both space and time were created at the big bang about 14 billion years ago, so there is nothing beyond the universe. However, much of the universe exists beyond the observable universe, which is maybe about 90 billion light years across.
If the universe is infinite, there is nothing beyond it, by definition. A finite expanding universe conjures up the idea that it would have a boundary or edge, separating it from something beyond. Of course, the universe has at least four dimensions (three for space and one for time) which is nigh on impossible for us to visualise.
Relevance to AstrobiologyComets are ancient bodies of frozen ice and dust that formed beyond the orbit of the most distant planet. Studying comets can help astrobiologists understand the processes behind planet formation in our solar system, conditions that led to habitability on Earth, and the potential role of comets in delivering key ingredients for the origins of life.
Observations of extrasolar planets are essential in determining the potential habitability of worlds beyond our solar system. Data from EPOXI adds to a large and growing body of knowledge concerning the diversity of planets in the Universe and the conditions in which they form and evolve.
With a background in theoretical astrophysics and a life-long passion for science fiction, I am now lucky enough to have a dream job of working in one of my favorite sci-fi worlds: Star Trek. This role as science advisor for the franchise has bridged my career between hard science and fictional writing. Like many fans, I am one who simply wants to walk, live, and breathe in these fictional worlds that bring us so much joy. I always look for new ways to immerse myself, be it episode or movie rewatches, extended universe shows, comics, video games, and yes, books!
The Subterra Period of 8000-7000 BBY saw new mapping of the galactic southern quadrant, with colonies such as Malastare serving as anchors for the tangles of praediums that linked the region. Scouts also penetrated the Rishi Maze around this time. However, the lack of a super-hyperroute into the southern quadrant and the new colonies' general inaccessibility promoted lawlessness in the Rim and limited Coruscant's authority, which was believed to have contributed to the Second Great Schism of the Jedi Order in 7003 BBY, beginning a galaxy-wide uprising of Dark Jedi known as the Hundred-Year Darkness. In the war's aftermath, the defeated Dark Jedi were exiled beyond the Rim into the unexplored space north of the Perlemian. There, the Exiles settled the worlds of Korriban and Ziost within the Stygian Caldera, where they dominated the native Sith and established an empire.[3][22]
The Ruusan Reformations created a number of problems with sectorial representation that would not be resolved until the Republic's end. A moratorium was included on the creation of new sectors, but settlers kept pushing beyond the Republic's frontier, reclaiming systems lost during the New Sith Wars and settling new worlds. Some of these systems were annexed by existing sectors, which caused some outlying sectors to swell to gargantuan proportions. Others became de facto corporate possessions, or were directly administered by the Republic bureaucracy and denied Senate representation, though it was claimed that they were "virtually represented" by other senators. The old Core sectors saw the rimward megasectors as a threat to their ancient power and prestige, while the directly-administered systems complained that their "virtual representation" was a farce. The reforms of 124 BBY sought to address these issues, with many settled areas outside the Republic's borders becoming incorporated as freestanding subsectors, with their representatives reporting to the senator of an associated sector.[3]
The Inner Rim was a region of the galaxy between the Colonies and the Expansion Region. It was originally just called "The Rim", as it was expected to be the farthest extent of the known galaxy for centuries, but the Expanded Rim (later renamed the Expansion Region) was opened within a hundred years of the Inner Rim being settled during the Great Manifest Period. Inner Rimmers tended to see themselves as being part of the Core and looked disdainfully upon the "outer galaxy", but were known to resent and envy the greater wealth and history of the Core Worlds. The region had minimal cultural influence and had few truly notable planets beyond the ecumenopolis of Denon and the medical worlds of Manaan and Thyferra. As the bridge between the Core and the Rim, the Inner Rim held great strategic value, and during both the Clone Wars and the Galactic Civil War, brutal battles were fought over the region.[3]
Colonists out of the Arrowhead settled the Slice, going out into what became known as the Colonies, and then further beyond. The worlds along the Perlemian and the Corellian Run were settled for millennia, and colonization slowly reached out from both to knit the Slice together. The Core, Colonies and Inner Rim portions of the Slice were thickly-settled and crisscrossed with thousands of hyperlanes and praediums; the Expansion Region was heavily-colonized near the Corellian Run (and dominated by Corellian interests), but more sparsely settled south of the Perlemian, the product of the millennia-long Alsakan Conflicts. The Slice's luster had begun to fade by the time colonists pushed beyond the Expansion Region in the central Slice; the Mid Rim reaches were well-surveyed but thinly-settled, and the Hutts dominated the Outer Rim precincts even beyond Hutt Space. Though new industries and businesses had largely moved beyond the Slice by the time of the Clone Wars, the region was still considered the heart of galactic civilization, a distinction its citizens remained proud of.[3] 2ff7e9595c