It's difficult to describe how this feels for us as a team. What started as a personal project for a frenzied Dutch booty-pirate in 2012 has grown into what we would call a small phenomenon, with hundreds of thousands of unique downloads and players from all around the world of every race, creed, gender and orientation. It's been a long, often tedious, sometimes stressful but mostly fun road, and it's one that as a team we are so proud to have traveled.
Star Wars – Star Wars: Uprising v1.0.0 Apk
As I say, Armada 3 started out as a personal project for Max, then a budding 3D artist. Since then this team has grown into more than just a group of modders. As a team we've been parts of each other's lives for years now. We've witnessed each other's triumphs, supported each other through hard times, lamented (and, let's be real, secretly laughed) at failures, and whole-heartedly cheered at successes. We've seen each other's careers start and fall apart, marriages and divorces, the deaths of loved ones and the births of children. Team members have come and gone, and even though we're spread over thousands of miles around the world and many of us haven't actually physically met, the members of Stellar Parallax, past and present, have become, I feel, an unusual and very special group of friends. Here's to all of you, gents!
The road to this final re-release has been long and rocky. There have been discussions, arguments, blow-ups and reconciliations. It started as a simple patch designed to address some of the more glaring bugs still present in Armada 3, overlooked by a team that was, to be honest, eager to move on to other projects. But what started as a bugfix gradually grew in scope, until it finally became a full-blown project unto itself that recaptured our excitement for Armada 3 and committed us to seeing to it that this mighty mod sailed off into the sunset having reached its great potential. And the driving force behind this project can be suummed up in a single word - Bane.
Just watched a tutorial on it and figured out an easy way to swap the player start position with the enemy's: you just delete the star lanes connected to your start position, do the same with the enemy planet you want to swap positions with, and simply drag both planets to each others' SP's. Then, simply reconnect the star lanes and boom! You're in the money, baby!
This is a pretty standard battle & upgrade loop used in most games. Battles give you rewards, and rewards allow you to upgrade, energy paces the battles. After completing this loop a few times, things start to get more complicated...
Audio, on the other hand, is a great fan service. Using the best practices of the licenses, all nostalgia is here if you turn up the volume. Many of the key theme songs play in the background, lightsabers have that timeless sound as they hit the enemy, and even when playing in some stages the alarm sounds of the death star can be heard in the background. EA clearly spared no expense in ensuring that by the audio players would be immersed in the world of Star Wars.
This campaign is the main focus of the game. Players engage in increasingly difficult battles to test their team against AI opponents. The only restriction is that the Light Side battles can only be fought with Light side heroes, and the Dark Side battles can only be fought with Dark Side heroes. These battles start off very easy but ramp up the difficulty quickly. Each battle rewards the player with the major currencies (outlined later) but these battles are mostly for collecting randomly dropping gear. Each level can drop very specific gear which is needed to upgrade specific characters. So as a player you want to unlock all the levels to be able to collect all the materials you may need for upgrades.
As your account levels up by playing the game, you trigger starter packs. These appear in your shop. The packs offer one-time-only deals for a limited time. They offer guaranteed quality characters and heavily discounted amounts of in-game currencies. The deals start off at a low price point, but quickly escalate up to prices as large as $140USD. Each heavily incentivizing you to make that first purchase.
Hask makes it to the Corvus while Iden and Del fly through the wreckage of the second Death Star, remembering that Inferno was created by Iden's father, Admiral Versio, after the destruction of the first Death Star to prevent something like this from happening again. The Corvus comes under attack from Rebel starfighters and bombers, but Iden and Del fend them off. Iden is privately contacted by her father, who tells her to meet with him on the Eviscerator for her next orders while Del and Hask stay behind on the Corvus. With the Corvus repaired, they jump to hyperspace, fleeing the aggressive Rebel fleet.
The Corvus travels to an Imperial shipyard in orbit of Fondor, where they are to provide security for Moff Raythe, who is procuring satellites essential for Operation: Cinder in his docked Star Destroyer Dauntless. However, the shipyard comes under surprise attack from a Rebel fleet. While Del remains on the Corvus, Iden and Hask make their way to their TIE fighters and defend the Dauntless from CR90 corvettes and Rebel U-wing transports. Iden protects Hask from Rebel starfighters before boarding the Rebel Mon Calamari star cruiser to disable its ion cannons that are firing on the Dauntless. Iden and Hask disable them, though the last explosion nearly sends Iden hurling into space, who is narrowly saved by the cruiser's closing gates. They return to their TIE fighters and take to the stars, though are ordered by Moff Raythe to attack the Imperial facility itself in order to free the Dauntless from the shipyard's jammed clamps. When Iden asks what their target is, Moff Raythe tells her that, now more than ever, power is the only path to peace, and Admiral Versio will take part in cleansing the galaxy clean to remind the people of the galaxy that the Empire is still in control. The Dauntless is ultimately freed and opens fire on the Rebel cruiser with its turbolasers, destroying it. Moff Raythe tells Iden that her father will be proud.
In the Vorpal Nebula in the Outer Rim Territories, Iden and Del discuss the situation, not knowing where to go next. Iden notes that some of their crew stayed loyal with them and is helping protect the refugees, who are frightened and confused but safe, while Del makes repairs to her droid. Del tells Iden to leave with the Corvus and let him stay alone in a TIE fighter, sending a general distress call to the Rebellion, but Iden refuses to abandon him. Ultimately, they decide to surrender to the Rebel Alliance, sending a general distress transmission which is intercepted by Danger Leader Shriv Suurgav. After the Restoration captures the Corvus and her crew, General Lando Calrissian arrives and confronts Iden and Del. He thanks them for the intel they provided on Operation: Cinder and offers them two T-65B X-wing starfighters to start a new life. Calrissian learns that Operation: Cinder is targeting Naboo, the homeworld of the Emperor himself. Iden and Del warn that the Empire is changing and so are its tactics. Calrissian gives them a choice of fighting with them against Operation: Cinder or running away. Though not wanting to join the Rebellion, Iden and Del reluctantly agree to help combat Operation: Cinder.
Calrissian arrives above Naboo with his fleet and Danger Squadron, which Iden and Del have temporarily joined under the call signs Danger Five and Danger Six, reinforcing Princess Leia Organa who is already there with a host of Rebel troopers and fighting in the stars in three N-1 starfighters against Imperial forces led by Captain Lerr Duvat and the climate disruption array satellites. Iden, Del, Shriv, and Danger Squadron help Leia and the Rebel and Naboo pilots take out the climate disruption arrays, then cover their Y-wing bombers as they make bombing runs on the Star Destroyer Torment. With the Torment's shields disabled, the Restoration opens fire on it, destroying it. However, Iden and Del noticed that some Imperial troops transports and TIEs evacuate the Star Destroyer, but instead of retreating to the nearest safe zone, per standard protocol, they headed toward Theed, the capital of Naboo.
Danger Squadron makes its way towards Theed, where Iden, Del, and Shriv help reinforce the Rebel troops there fighting in battle against the Imperial forces. They split up to reactivate power relays that can be used to activate Theed's defense system: an ion pulse that spreads across the city from the royal palace, which was installed after the Invasion of Naboo by the Trade Federation. Leia and her troops cover Del as they make their way across the city with Del wiring the power relays back online. With the power relays online, they make their way to the central street where Rebel forces battle against stormtroopers and an advancing AT-AT walker. Leia and her troops cover Del as he reactivates the defense system in the palace, falling back as the stormtroopers push their line. Del gets the system online, and the Rebel forces fall back inside the palace as the ion pulse is detonated, disabling the Imperial forces' blasters, walkers, and starfighters. Rebel troops rush out, and the Imperial forces surrender.
Admiral Ackbar has ordered all Republic forces to Jakku in the Western Reaches, where the Imperial Army and Imperial Navy have been reconvened, consolidated from Imperial fleets by Rax, among them her father's. The expected showdown is believed to possibly mean the end of the Galactic Civil War. The Republic Navy arrives, initiating the Battle of Jakku, while soldiers of the New Republic army are landed on the desert surface of Jakku. In the skies of Jakku, the Corvus receives a large number of distress calls from their sector. Iden and Shriv make their way to two X-wing starfighters while Del holds the Corvus and directs them towards the sources of the distress calls. They first land at a crashed Star Destroyer, where TIE bombers are deploying from and being used to harass Republic troops in the sector. Iden and Shriv fight against the stormtroopers defending the Star Destroyer and take it out before taking off to the skies again. They reinforce Captain Lindsey and his troops on the ground, who is on the march to Carbon Ridge to take out a mysterious Imperial research facility but has been intercepted by two AT-AT walkers and Imperial forces. Iden uses binoculars to indicate to the Starhawk Unity the coordinates of the AT-AT walkers so that it can launch orbital bombardments on them. The AT-AT walkers are taken out, and Inferno helps Lindsey and his troops take out the Imperial troops attacking them, allowing them to continue their advance to Carbon Ridge. 2ff7e9595c