Knowing nothing about being a dragon, Peter is mentored by Carolinus' elder dragon companion, Smrgol. The dichotomy of magic and science is explored when Smrgol teaches Peter how dragons fly and breathe fire, abilities which Peter is able to explain with scientific principles. As the quest progresses, the heroes survive an attack by the monstrous Sand Murks and are joined by the talking wolf Aragh, the archer Danielle, and the elf Giles. As the party nears Ommadon's realm, Danielle and Sir Orrin are captured by an ogre. Peter is nearly killed attempting to rescue them but is saved by Smrgol, who defeats the ogre at the cost of his own life. In the Red Wizard's realm the party faces the Worm of Sligoff, which Peter destroys by igniting the sulfuric acid it excretes. Ommadon casts a spell to induce hopelessness in the group, which Peter repels using Solarius' shield. Ommadon next sends numerous dragons to kill the heroes, but Giles plays Lo Tae Zhao's enchanted flute, lulling them and Peter to sleep. Bryagh remains awake and kills Giles, Aragh, and Danielle. Sir Orrin slays Bryagh, but dies from his wounds.
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As they travel, Shin informs them all that the two humans are possessed pawns of a wizard named Babidi and they are collecting energy to revive a powerful force of destruction known as Majin Buu. Piccolo and the others are joined by a fully recovered Gohan and Kibito, and then hide on a mountain top near Babidi's ship and watch as he destroys the two human pawns as "their job was done". The Z Fighters are then attacked by the Demon King Dabura, whom Babidi has possessed as his strongest henchman, with a power roughly equal to Perfect Cell. Dabura quickly kills Kibito and spits on Krillin and Piccolo, turning them both into stone statues.
Gotenks then quickly (and with more ease than the powered-up Buu) blared open a portal which himself and Piccolo escaped from. On exiting, Super Buu boasted of his devouring all adult and teenager friends on the lookout, causing Gotenks to finally get serious and fight Super Buu fully. The resulting battle destroyed Kami's Lookout, leaving Piccolo despaired until he was asked by Gotenks to assist him in an attack where Super Buu was battered around like a volleyball whilst sealed inside Gotenks' Galactic Donuts.
When Piccolo and Gohan heard news of Frieza's return, they join Master Roshi, Krillin, and Tien Shinhan in the fight against him and his army of 1,000 soldiers. Tagoma shot a ki blast at Gohan and injured him critically. Gohan's heart stopped so Piccolo restarted it with a Kiai Defibrillation. Piccolo tries to attack Tagoma with his efforts, but he isn't strong enough to match Tagoma. Gohan helped Piccolo by shooting a blast at Tagoma to get him away. Then, Captain Ginyu switched bodies with Tagoma and takes on the Z Fighters with his immense power. They are easily beat by Ginyu with just single punches to everyone. After that, Piccolo watches Gohan transformed into a Super Saiyan and beat Ginyu in several hits but spared him. Frieza gets furious and starts shooting Death Beams at Gohan. Piccolo then sacrifices himself to protect Gohan after Frieza shoots him multiple times. In the movie version of these events Piccolo did not die here. In the movie he both witnessed Goku and Frieza's battle and was saved from Earth's destruction by Whis later on.
Later, Gohan and Piccolo confronted Saonel and Pilina, Namekians from Universe 6, after stopping their sneak attack on Goku. While initially Gohan and Piccolo were taken aback having to save each other numerous times, Gohan eventually is able to slowly start to dominate the pair. The fight however is unable to be finished due to Goku and Kefla's fight interrupting all other fights. After Goku defeats Kefla, Piccolo and Gohan resume their battle with Saonel and Pilina. While squaring off with them both Piccolo and Gohan sense a major change in them. Piccolo realizes what they did and engage the super powered Namekians. Piccolo is driven back into a wall by Pilina, who confirms Piccolo's theory that they fused with many Namekians. Piccolo pushes him off as Gohan powers up to his Ultimate state and tells Piccolo he can handle both of them no problem but wants Piccolo to focus all his power. Piccolo begins charging a full power Special Beam Cannon as Gohan engages the pair. Gohan is caught by Saonel who holds him in the air and Piccolo panics and fires what he had charged, and it doesn't do anything, forcing Gohan to break free take the hit for both of them.
Unconscious, Piccolo is greeted by Kami and Nail, who point in front of him to see Gohan shielding him. Gohan apologizes and says he will get serious now and asks Piccolo to do it again as it will work. Piccolo apologizes to Gohan for getting on him about not being a warrior when he himself allowed himself to get caught up in his fellow Namekian's fighting spirit, but Piccolo vows to never allow that to happen again. He gets serious and charges up all his power into his Special Beam Cannon as Gohan is dominating both Saonel and Pilina. As Gohan fires his Ultimate Kamehameha at the Namekian duo for the finish, Pilina holds them on the stage with a Mouth Energy Wave as Saonel pulls his way through the attack. Assuming he has Gohan, Saonel jumps out of the attack only for Gohan to smile at him to reveal Piccolo behind him as Piccolo fires his full power Special Beam Cannon easily piercing clean through both Saonel and Pilina. Seeing his moment at his wounded foes, Gohan unleashes his full power blowing them clean out of the arena, eliminating Universe 6.
While Goku is fighting Android 13, Gohan, seeing an opening, blasts at the Android, though he is quick to retaliate, firing a blast of his own back at Gohan. The blast is suddenly struck by another from below, fired by Piccolo, who saves Gohan from harm. Piccolo arrives to help Goku fight against Android 13. After Android 13 manages to become Super Android 13, Piccolo and Goku attempt to defeat him, but were beaten relatively easily. He attempts to protect Gohan when Gohan tries to fight off Android 13, but is knocked back. When Goku is charging up a Spirit Bomb, Android 13 attempts to take Goku down before he can finish using his S.S. Deadly Bomber. However before he can fire it off, Piccolo grabs him in a full nelson and lifts him overheard so that the blast fires into the sky, buying Goku enough time to finish. He is later seen after the battle, sitting on a rock in the ocean with Vegeta, facing opposite each other. He asks Vegeta if the movie is over, and the Saiyan answered "Not until the fish jumps." Vegeta quickly declared it was over after a fish jumped out of the water.
The sky darkens, and Cell Max, explodes from below the base. The Dragon Team and the Gammas charge into combat against Cell Max and the Gammas reveal that Dr. Hedo had built a weakness into the top of Cell Max's head. With no one able to make much progress and Cell Max shrugging off even a Special Beam Cannon from Piccolo aimed directly at his weak point, Gamma 2 engages in a sacrificial act that greatly weakens their enemy. Enraged, Cell Max tries to stomp Gamma 2's lifeless body, but Piccolo intervenes, returning to his Orange Piccolo form to hold up Cell Max's foot. Krillin reminds him of his gigantification technique from the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament and encourages him to use it. Piccolo become a giant but still struggles against Cell Max. Piccolo puts his hopes in Gohan, telling him that he will hold Cell Max in place long enough for Gohan to get in one, full-power attack on the weak point. He offers Gohan the last Senzu Bean from his belt and engages in an uphill battle with support from the others, while Gohan charges his power.
After his training in preparation for the Androids, despite Android 20 absorbing most of his energy, once rejuvenated by a senzu bean, Piccolo was able to charge himself up to easily dominate Android 20. This made Krillin exclaim that Piccolo reached the Super Saiyan realm of strength, though Vegeta was dismissive of this. After fusing with Kami, he could defeat Imperfect Cell (with the population of Gingertown absorbed) while wearing his weighted clothing. Later, after removing his weighted clothing, his strength was on par with Android 17. Also, with his superior combat experience and ingenuity, he was able to keep up with the android's unlimited energy to gain a slight advantage over the foe, whereas before, he was effortlessly dominated by 17 with only a single blow. Once Imperfect Cell arrived, Piccolo's sneak attack was able to somewhat hurt Imperfect Cell (with several thousands of humans absorbed). Unfortunately, he is still utterly dominated by Imperfect Cell, and even his most powerful attack was unable to damage Cell. After Piccolo's training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber for a day, Goku states that Piccolo has become a lot stronger but is still no match for Perfect Cell. After Goku surrenders to Cell during their fight, the evil Bio-Android states that neither Vegeta or Future Trunks compare to Goku at his full power, but in Dragon Ball Z Kai, he includes Piccolo (implying that Piccolo was comparable to Vegeta and Future Trunks at the time). With his new power, in the anime, along with Super Saiyan Vegeta, Piccolo is able to hold his own against and even hurt the Cell Juniors (who were said to have power similar to the suppressed Perfect Cell in the English dub). In the anime, Piccolo and the other Z Fighters fail to hurt Super Perfect Cell during his beam clash with Gohan; only annoying him, before being pushed aside when he flares up his aura. Only Vegeta distracted Cell long enough for Gohan to finish him.
During the Tournament of Power, in the anime, rather than going off on his own, Piccolo chose to remain with Gohan, Krillin, Tien Shinhan and Master Roshi - they launched an assault that caused little to no damage against Lavender, Botamo, Comfrey, Shosa and Dercori. He easily dodged Dyrasem's assault; when fighting Rubalt, the two seemed to be evenly matched, but Piccolo managed to instantly knock Rubalt out of the arena with his Hellzone Grenade. He was able to withstand Hermila's Ki Blasts, albeit losing both arms. However, Piccolo was able to quickly regenerate multiple times from the same assault and continue battling effectively, showing considerable stamina. Piccolo was able to briefly fight on par with Saonel, and was able to blast him away with a ki blast when Gohan caught his hand. After realizing both Pirina and Saonel had assimilated many Namekians from Universe 6, Piccolo was still able to fight Pirina on somewhat equal footing (although his Hellzone Grenade is ineffective against the bulky Namekian). His non-fully charged Special Beam Cannon was able to deal some light damage to Pirina and his full power Special Beam Cannon is able to pierce both Namekians and go through Pirina's energy wave. Saonel was amazed that there is a Namekian like Piccolo who possesses such amazing power to actually cause significant harm to both himself and Pirina in one attack. Piccolo was also able to knock Xiangca out of the arena with a single ki blast. 2ff7e9595c