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Witcher 3 Mod Load Order: How to Avoid Common Problems and Errors


Setting the right load order for your TES III: Morrowind, TES IV: Oblivion, Nehrim: At Fate's Edge, TES V: Skyrim, TES V: Skyrim Special Edition, TES V: Skyrim VR, Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 4 and Fallout 4 VR mods is a crucial step to enjoying a stable modded game. The Load Order Optimisation Tool (LOOT) can help with that, by providing automated load order sorting that's simple to use and fully customisable.

While sorting, LOOT checks for load order errors (such as incompatibilities and missing requirements) and notifies you of any issues that it detects. It also provides thousands of plugin-specific messages, such as usage notes and bug warnings, to help keep your game healthy.

Witcher 3 Mod Load Order

Once you've downloaded your LLO you will find several tabs at the bottom (scroll down it). The first tab is all the technical information about how to download mods, how to remove them,how to update them, etc. The second tab explains the section definitions so you can better place your mods. Read the Section Definitions. This is the most critical partof placing mods. You need to understand how the game loads mod data and how to place those mods in the right order. Once you're comfortable with the section definition, read your mod description page. If there is not enough info on the page for mod placement, ask yourself why you're downloading the mod.Does it just have a nice title? Does it claim to be immersive and so you think you need it? Are you going by the star rating alone? Don't. You should be downloading mods that youwant to use in your game. Plan your playthrough and find the mods to cater to your idea of the world. Watch out for dirty mods!! Some mods have wild or dirty edits which can cause crashing into other parts of the game.1. Wild Edits- This happens when the Creation Kit (CK) thinks it needs to save data and it shouldn't. This can include "ITMs" (identical to master) edits which have been documented foryears as a source of crashes. It's very simple and very easy to clean out. Another way we can have a wild edit is that if we were in a cell looking at placement of items and theCK felt it should cause an update on information. We , again, as mod authors have to clean it out.2. Dirty Edits: Dirty edits occur when a mod author edits something they know they shouldn't. A dirty edit can be a badly managed navmesh. We have guides from Arthmoor himself about how to properly navmesh and there should be no excuse not to know how to navmesh and clean it up. Another dirty edit is when someone has a texture mod but decides to place a bunch of statics in the world. Those are two types of edits that should not be used in the same mod, especially if you don't document the changes. Deleted items will also causecrashing and it is a 100% dirty edit that must be fixed. There is no excuse for deleted items in the CK, either. It's quite simple to change or move something instead of deleting it.How can you tell if a mod is dirty? On console you can't. That's why the MA's at the Tarsh Gaming discord will open up mods and check them directly to see what's going on. We have a personal database on those mods and try our best to update it if we see a mod author has fixed a wild or dirty edit. In some cases there are wild edits after CC content was released and a mod author hasn't had time to adjust their mod. In that case, we try to find the best placement for the mod if it is otherwise a stable mod and then explain placement accordingly.

There are ways around this, as we will discuss later, but you may have to do a little trouble shooting and playing around with settings in order to get all of the mods you want to use working properly.

The first thing we should discuss is how to actually install mods in the Witcher 3. Interestingly, there is, in fact, a mod limit present in this game. There are ways around this, as we will discuss later, but you may have to do a little trouble shooting and playing around with settings in order to get all of the mods you want to use working properly.

Most mods on this list are pretty easy to download and install. Some of them even come with their own installers. I will try to note which mods require special installation actions, but for the most part either use the included installer or copy the folder into your

There are a few Witcher 3 mods you will require in order to get everything working properly. As I mentioned earlier there is a mod limit in the game. This is, apparently, 49 mods, although at that is a lot of mods and will more than likely cause stability issues anyways.

Unless you have more than 49 Witcher 3 mods, you will not need this program, but it does exist if you need it. Simply follow the instructions and it will merge some of your Witcher 3 mods together in order to get around the limit.

When you have multiple mods that modify the same game file, TW3 only loads 1 of the modded versions of that file, overriding all over versions. This kind of conflict is common & can break mods. Script Merger tries to make the problem less painful.

Despite the name, Script Merger detects mod conflicts in .bundle packages as well as .ws scripts. Then, it helps you resolve them by creating merged versions of conflicting text files. It leaves the original files untouched, but overrides them. It can't merge non-text conflicts, but for these it can help you manage your custom load order (mods.settings file) to make certain mods override others.

When merging, KDiff3 simply does a text merge. In many cases, that works fine. But because the tool doesn't actually understand the code, sometimes it can merge things in the wrong order. Auto-resolved conflicts aren't guaranteed to be correct. In these cases, it needs human help.

In order to load saves via cross progression, it needs to have the same game content present.Example:A save created on the base game edition, without having the expansions installed, will work when loaded on the Complete Edition. However, you won't be able to load a save made on the Complete Edition without having all the expansions and DLC installed on the base game.

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